Harry Kakavas Net Worth

Hard to consider anyone more deserving of the cowards of the year 2011 award than “Fat Mick” Gatto and Autobarn boss Garry Dumbrell.

This time around though, a 'fit and relaxed' Kakavas is not limiting his focus to properties along Hedges Ave, the strip that saw his personal wealth swell to more than $60 million. Recently in the news was Harry Kakavas. Suing Crown Casino to the tune of $35 million for allowing him to bet and lose that amount over a number of years at what authorities describe as the centre of corruption and criminal activity, yep that’s it,you guessed it – Crown Casino. The disputed land is worth.

Maybe people are not aware that convicted criminal Gatto and his fellow “calorie enhanced” sidekick John Khoury have been responsible for some of the most spectacular failed attempts to recover monies on behalf of their clients

Fat Mick is promoted by the Herald Sun newspaper at every opportunity as a negotiator and a resolver of disputes. Hardly a day goes by when he is not featured prominently along with other well known bottom feeders of the criminal world, Roberta Williams comes readily to mind, Judy Moran and to a lesser extent Mark “no ears” Reid are all promoted by the Herald Sun at some time or other.


Chopper Reid was a” give up” and a “dog” after lagging in other prisoners to save his own skin, his books of fiction are regarded as fantasy by friends and foe a like .

Choppers friends, who incidentally would all fit into the side car of a motor bike, describe him as being as weak as boarding house tea and unable to pull the skin of a rice pudding, Now how’s that for tough.

Harry Kakavas Net Worth

If this mug wants to write another book rest assured the Herald Sun will have its dibs on it.

Lets get back to Fat Mick and the reason I want to nominate him for the puffed up fake of the year, before the global financial crisis a mob called Opus Prime went belly up causing many thousands of small, but greedy, investors to lose their life savings. One of those investors had the brilliant idea that they would engage Fat Mick and his talented team of negotiators to head off to Singapore where they wrongly believed the money had been stashed.


The Herald Sun promoted Fat Mick’s trip, and photos of him and his Calorie enhanced team were front page news, I say calorie enhanced because the picture of 3 fat blokes laden with suitcases leaving on their mission of mercy needed to be seen to be believed. The Herald Sun again promoted Fat Mick daily as he went about his business of finding the mysterious money and returning triumphantly with suitcases filled to the brim with the folding stuff.

Alas, much to the chagrin of the Herald Sun Fat Mick and his 2 Fat mates returned to Melbourne, 3 fat blokes with 3 empty suitcases. I wouldn’t employ these 3 Fat wallies to negotiate a lunch break.

Recently in the news was Harry Kakavas. Suing Crown Casino to the tune of $35 million for allowing him to bet and lose that amount over a number of years at what authorities describe as the centre of corruption and criminal activity, yep that’s it,you guessed it – Crown Casino.

Anyway to cut to the chase. Harry had borrowed a couple of million from his old mate fellow property developer Jarred Mc Cracken ,they say there is no honour among thieves and, true to that adage, Harry was reluctant to repay the currency to his ex mate.

Brilliant idea!thinks young Jarred, lets get that bloke the Herald Sun promotes as an enforcer and negotiator to put the screws on poor old Harry, meeting arranged, coffee ordered, sitting in the sun in lovely old Bourke St..

Harry was not exactly shaking like a dog shitting razor blades as the Fat boy put the hard word on him to cough up or else, or else what, Harry was heard to say , you’ve been reading your own publicity “youve got a fat head as well ” Get Fucked’ and off into the sunset Harry rode. The Fat boy nearly chocked on his equally fat cigar.

Disaster number 3 for Fat Mick and the Fat Boys came in December of 2009 ,the millionaire director of the Autobarn spare parts retailer Garry Dumbrell hired the Fat Boys as enforcers to negotiate on his behalf with his elderly neighbours in a land dispute.

Alan and Colline Miller aged in their late eighties rushed from their holiday farm after being warned that Fat Mick and Fat John Khoury were supervising the erection of a new fence between the properties which took away an old council lane into Dumbrells property. The disputed land is worth $150,000.

To terrorise an elderly couple in this way is nothing short of thuggery, the sort of thuggery that is conducive with the promotion of criminals in our society.

The award for coward of the year goes to Dumbrell for employing the Fat boys to intimidate this elderly couple, and to the Fat boys for lacking the courage or the guts to tell Dumbrell to go fuck himself. In all the actions of cowards!!

Harry Kakavas was always a passionate player. But before he made his name in the most watched gambling trial in Australia, he was an extremely successful real-estate salesman in the golden coast. He came to this most prestigious area in 1999 and made millions there. Sadly, he gambled far more than that.

His gambling addiction started a couple years later, where he lost about 280 000 AUS$ in Crown Casino. He even was sentenced to jail because of financial fraud to feed his gambling habit. After this unpleasant experience, he asked to be banned from Crown Casino facilities for life. It was not the only ban ask for or was snap on him. In 2000 police in NSW police banned him and had self-exclusion order practically in every coast casino in Australia.

But just like all roads lead to Rome, all compulsive gamblers lead to Las Vegas. After he was spotted losing a hundred thousand dollars in one of Strip’s casinos, the manager of Crown Casino allegedly said: “Why is not spending his money here in Melbourne?

Higher Paths of High Rollers

Casinos know how hunt whales better than Captain Achab. Luxury apartments, free beverages and meals are just a drop in an ocean compare to benefits, which Kakavas got from Crown Casino. He got the private jet to manage his travels to Melbourne from his home and could use it to travel to exotic holidays. Sometimes the Crown Casino Gave him a box with 50 000 cash as a lucky money and many more.

According to estimates, Crown casino could spend more than 10 million AUD to keep Kakavas playing on their premises.

After that, Kakavas gamble in only 14 months over a 1.5 billion AUD. Kakavas, like most high rollers, play typically baccarat. On one occasion Kakavas bet 300 000 per hand until he lost over 30 million. Kakavas was able to gamble around 243 million at one week. On another occasion, he lost 2.3 million in only 28 minutes.

In result, Kakavas lost everything he earned as the real-estate salesman and up to that he borrowed millions from banks, investors and friends.

Harry Kakavas Net Worth

Kakavas vs Crown Casino

As the last resort, Kakavas decided to sue Crow Casino. He said casino lured him and exploited his severe gambling problem. Another reason why Kakavas had a good chance of success was ban from 2000 by NSW police. According to it, it was illegal to send Kakavas any promotional material. It was also illegal for him to gamble at any of Melbourne casino or keep winnings.

To great surprise, the High court decided: “He was able to make rational decisions in his own interests, including deciding from time to time to refrain from gambling altogether. Crown did not knowingly victimise the appellant by allowing him to gamble at its casino.

The whole trial was a highly viewed case because the contrary result could make a precedent in favour for players in all future similar trials.

Harry Kakavas Net Worth Aj

According to the latest news, Harry Kakavas is not related to any casino or any gamble case since and today is again in the real-estate business.